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New Year’s Resolution!

So how did New Year’s Resolutions begin? At the beginning of every year, the ancient Babylonians made promises to their gods to pay any debts they owed and to return borrowed items. Centuries later, the Romans began each year by making promises about things they would do that year to their god Janus, whose name the month of January comes from. Then during the Medieval era, the knights made the “peacock vow” after the Christmas season had ended each year to recommit themselves to chivalry. In the early 1700s, John Wesley began the Methodist Church, and in 1740 he began watchnight services and called them Covenant Renewal Services. At these watchnight services, many Christians got ready the year ahead by praying and making resolutions. Now days, almost everyone makes New Year’s resolutions, or at least thinks about them. I want to become better at standing up for myself. Do you have any New Year’s resolutions you want to share? Let us know!

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