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Respect Yourself

The ABC's of Stopping STD!

The ABC's of Stopping STD are ways to help stop the spread of STD. STD is short for “sexually transmitted diseases”. These are diseases and infections you can get while having sex. Be responsible and follow the ABC's of Stopping STD if you choose to have sex!

A is for Abstinence (ab-stuh-nens) which means NOT having sex. This is the ONLY way to keep yourself 100% protected from an STD.

B is for Be Faithful. Have one partner for a long time and be faithful to them. This is the next best way to protect yourself from an STD.

C is for condom. If you are going to have sex with another person, use a condom every time. It's not as safe as Abstinence or to Be Faithful, but it is MUCH better than unprotected sex.