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Respect Yourself

The Four P's- Or Your Sexual Responsibilities

Yes, we do have sexual rights. But with rights comes responsibility! Here are your responsibilities IF you choose to have sex…

Privacy– No sex by yourself or with anyone else without privacy! Having privacy means you have a closed and locked door, where no one can SEE or HEAR you.

Permission– No sex with anyone who does NOT agree or is UNABLE to agree. Both people HAVE to say yes!

Protection– No sex without trying to protect yourself by using condoms and plastic barriers. This may keep you from getting an STD, or sexually transmitted disease. Condoms may also keep you from getting pregnant.

Person 18 or older– No sex with anyone who is 17 years or younger, children or teenagers. Even if they say yes, it still against the law!

If you follow The Four P's while having a sexual relationship, you will be LEGAL and SAFE.