Deciding if you are ready to have sex is a BIG decision! Make sure you know the facts about what can happen if you choose to have sex, so YOU can make a responsible decision. These questions may help you decide if you are read or not to have sex. You are the ONLY one who can decide, so take your time and think carefully.
1. Do I know how to have “Safe Sex”?
Yes No Not Sure
2. Do I know what my sexual rights are?
Yes No Not Sure
3. Do I know what my sexual responsibilities are?
Yes No Not Sure
4. Do I know how a woman can get pregnant?
Yes No Not Sure
5. Have I thought carefully about what may happen if I DO have sex?
Yes No Not Sure
6. Do I have a partner that treats me with respect?
Yes No Not Sure
If you answered “NOT SURE” or “NO” to most of these questions, you may not be ready to have sex.
Next week we'll post questions for you to answer with your sweetheart!