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Respect Yourself

Which Touch is OK?

Almost everyone likes to be touched somehow. We may be touched by different people in different ways throughout our day. Think about it! You may get a handshake from your boss, a pat on the back from your friend, and a kiss from your sweetheart all in one day. What can be tricky though, is knowing WHAT touches are OK from all of the different people in our lives. If we know what our body boundaries should be, it will help keep us safer from abuse.

Social Touch is good for strangers, casual relationships, and working relationships. A Social Touch can be a handshake, a knuckle-bump, or a high-five. Social Touches are the ones we should use with our boss, supervisor, staff, and co-workers, or if we're just not sure!

Friendly Touch is OK with someone you have known for a LONG time. A Friendly Touch can be a pat on the back or a side-hug. A side-hug is one where only your shoulders and sides touch, INSTEAD of your fronts.

Helping Touch is a touch used to help people. We should always ASK before offering a Helping Touch. A Helping Touch can be helping someone up who has fallen, or offering an elbow or arm to someone who is blind. Some Helping Touches are also for personal care, like when someone needs help taking a shower or using the restroom.

Loving Touch is ONLY for true friends, family, and our sweetheart. Loving Touches can be hugs, kisses, and includes sexual touches as well. You should ALWAYS save your hugs and kisses for those who are closest to you!

To learn about what a True Friend is, click here.

To learn about Casual Relationships, click here.

To learn about Working Relationships, click here.

To learn about starting a Romantic Relationship, click here.

To learn about Sweethearts, click here.