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Laughter Is Good Medicine

How can laughter be good medicine? We all know that laughter makes us feel happy and strengthens our relationships with the people we laugh with. Laughter also starts healthy physical changes in our bodies. Our humor and laughter increase our energ

y, make our immune system stronger, take away pain, and protect us from the bad effects of stress. But the best part is that this amazing medicine is easy to use, fun, and free! Now, let”s look at how laughter helps our bodies.


  • Relaxes our whole body – A good, strong laugh takes away physical tension and stress, and helps our muscles to relax for up to 45 minutes after laughing.
  • Strengthens our immune systems – Laughter lessens stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, and this is what improves our resistance to disease.
  • Starts the release of endorphins – Endorphins are our bodies” natural happy chemicals. Endorphins give us sense of well-being and can even relieve pain for a little while.
  • Protects our hearts – Laughter makes blood vessels function better and increases blood flow, and this can help to protect us against a heart attack and other heart problems.

So what makes you laugh? I laugh at dry humor, as long as it”s nice and respectful. I think Mishka is funny.. Mishka has a mind of her own!


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