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Be proud of who you are! Not everyone has pride in who they are. Often we are our own worst critic! But if we do not have pride in who we are, including our disabilities, then people notice and treat us with LESS respect. Should a person be ashamed b

ecause they have brown hair or blue eyes? NO! Seems kind of silly doesn”t it? So why should a person be ashamed of their disability when it is a part of being human? Hmmm…

Here are a few things that are important to remember about disabilities.

1. Disabilities are NATURAL and NORMAL. They are a part of being human, just like being tall or short.

2. Without pride in who we are, we cannot reach our GOALS and DREAMS. If we do not believe in ourselves, we can”t really go anywhere!

3. When we have pride in ourselves and who we are, people NOTICE and treat us with more RESPECT!

Please think about this if you ever feel ashamed of being who YOU are.

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