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The Respect Yourself program created this handout to help people out.  Sometimes it can be hard to tell when someone is a true friend, and when they may just be a casual or working relationship.

This of a person in YOUR life that you're not quite sure if they are a true friend or not.  Ask yourself these 5 questions, and be really honest when answering.  If you answer yes to ALL of the questions, they are a true friend.  If you answer no to ANY of the questions, they are not a true friend.  They may be a casual relationship if you see them around town or only in one place, or they may be a working relationship if they are paid to be in your life.  That's OK!!  Friend is such a special title that it shouldn't be given to just an


1.  Do you spend time together, outside of where you met, doing things you both enjoy?

YES          NO

2.  Do you BOTH talk to each other about your problems or when you just need someone to talk to?

YES          NO

3.  Do you BOTH share personal feelings and stories with each other?

YES          NO

4.  Do BOTH people make decisions and give help to each other?

YES          NO

5.  Are BOTH of you spending time together because you want to, and NOT because you are paid to?

YES          NO

Remember, if you answered YES to all of the questions- they are a true friend.

If you answered NO to any of the questions, they are NOT a true friend.

We hope this helps!