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Pathfinders – Growth

Hi my name is Crystal and I have worked with Pathfinders as a facilitator for five years now. During this time, I have seen such amazing and positive changes to Life Plans. Information in Life Plans are more articulate and personal than they have ever been. Life Plans can share parts of people lives that may be incredibly important to a person. One example of this is called Religious and Spiritual Expression. Life Guides talk with people about their religious and spiritual beliefs.  We hope that peopl

e will get the support they might need to maintain their beliefs in a positive and healthy way. What support(s) do you need?  This has been an amazing process, simply because people have such heart for their beliefs. Plus, we have learned so much about different spiritual and religious preferences. We hope to continue creating Life Plans that really capture who a person is and share what help they might need to lead successful and happy lives.  How do you express your religious and spiritual beliefs?