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Respect Yourself


The Respect Yourself program believes that everyone has a right to be free from abuse. Taking both of these classes can help keep people with developmental disabilities free from abuse.

Both Respect Yourself and Me and You can be presented in the community, day programs, care homes, supported living, and more. A 2-day class of Me and You is also available.


The Respect Yourself program uses peer-to-peer teaching in all our classes. We offer a safe place for you to ask questions you may have been uncomfortable asking before.


Respect Yourself teaches abuse prevention through sexuality and body education (you can find the Respect Yourself course description here). Men and women are taught in separate classes. Over 7 weeks you will learn:

• How to respect yourself with a sweetheart

• How to set dating boundaries

• The exams for cancer we get from a doctor and ones we can do ourselves

• The names of male and female body parts and how they work

• Our sexual rights and responsibilities and the hard choices we may need to make as an adult

• Birth control and condoms

• Why it’s better to wait to have sex

• How knowing these things helps protect you from sexual abuse


Me and You teaches abuse prevention through relationship education (you can find the Me and You course description here). Men and women together in the same class. Over 4 weeks you will learn about:

• Why good self-esteem is important

• Disability Pride

• What a true friend is

• Good and healthy relationships

• Places and things that are private

• Boundaries at work and at program

• Safety rules that help protect you from abuse


More than 90% of men and women with developmental disabilities will be sexually abused at some point in their lives. The abuser is usually someone we know. We have a right to be free from abuse.

Click here to ask for more information or call the Respect Yourself coordinator in the Chico office at 530-893-8003.


Here are links to the course descriptions of each series.

Me and You teaches abuse prevention through relationship education. We suggest taking this series first. Here is a link to the Me and You course description.

Respect Yourself teaches abuse prevention through sexuality and body education. We suggest taking this series second. Here is a link to the Respect Yourself course description.