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Healthy Teeth And Gums

So why is it so important to have healthy teeth and gums?

    Well, one reason is that healthy teeth and gums don’t causes us pain or discomfort.

How can we keep our teeth and gums healthy?

    The first step is to eat healthy.

Eating foods that are low in sugar, fat and salt, but high in fiber, protein and vitamins is a big deal. Fiber, protein and vitamins give our teeth and gums the nutrients they need to be strong and healthy enough to fight off diseases. Sugar sticks to teeth, and food creates bad bacteria that weakens teeth and causes bad breath. This is why it is very important that we brush our teeth, gums and tongue 2 times every day if not more often. It is also good to brush teeth after eating anything that is sweet. Brushing teeth is not only healthy for us, but having clean teeth/gums and clean good-smelling breath when we talk and smile is also respectful to others. So take care of your teeth and gums, and smile extra today because today is World Smile Day!