A few posts ago, I wrote about National Mud Pack Day and keeping our skin clean. During the day our skin collects dust and dirt from our surroundings and oils from our pores. Dirt, dust and oils cake onto our skin and plug up our pores so that they can’t breathe, which can make our skin tough and leathery looking. This is why it is so important to wash our skin in a shower or bath every day or at least every other day. This is why it is also very important to wash our bed sheets every week. Even if we take a shower before we go to bed, our sheets and pillowcases still collect the oils from our skin and dead skin cells, hair, saliva and other fluids from our bodies. So washing our sheets, pillowcases, and even mattress covers every week is very important for staying healthy. If we are sick, washing our sheets and pillowcases helps us to get better faster. When we get well, we need to washing our sheets and pillowcases again so that we don’t get sick again from lying on all those sick germs and breathing them in. I just washed mine, and now I am going to make my bed then shower. I love having clean skin, clean pajamas and clean sheets!