People celebrate Easter in so many different ways. Some people get together with their families, others may go to friends' houses, many people go to a church service, and many don't celebrate it at all. People with children often do Easter egg hunts for their children, young ones and older ones alike. If the weather is nice, some people go hiking or fishing, or they may go do other things like go to a movie or get away to have some alone-time. One year, I went to a friend's house, and she hid one hundred or so eggs with different cate
gories of things in them like paper clips, erasers, gum, m & ms, etc. All the kids had to have only one egg from each category. There was also one “golden egg” with money in, and I remember that one of the older boys found it. Then we all played Scategories. This year I made a lamb roast and homemade bread, and my friends came over with salad and a sweet potato dish. We ate a late lunch, then the kids played outside while my friend and I rested and jabbered away and her hubby napped. It was fun! Did you do anything special for Easter this year?