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Respect Yourself

Casual Relationships

Do you know a lot of people?  I sure do!  For most of those people though we have to ask ourselves, how well do we really know them?  I hear a lot of people talk about the oodles of friends they have, but in Respect Yourself, we think that “friend” is WAY too special of a title to use with just anyone.

Most of us have only 1 sweetheart, a handful of true friends, and a LOT of casual relationships.  A casual relationship is one where we know the person by name, but we usually only see them in one place, and we DON'T usually share personal or private information with them.

Let me show you an example of some of the people you may have casual relationships with-

  • Co-wor


  • A favorite waitress at your favorite restaurant
  • Neighbors
  • Your mail-man
  • A favorite bus driver
  • Most of the people at your day program that are not staff or a close friend
  • Teammates at Special Olympics, bowling league, softball league, or other sport or group.

It's OK to be friendly with them, to chit-chat, or to tell jokes to.  However, we don't usually share personal or private information with them- and that's OK!  People use different words than “friend” to describe a casual relationship, like a buddy, pal, bro, or acquaintance.  What word do YOU use to describe a casual relationship?